Myotherapy is a form of muscle therapy which focuses on the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and associated pathologies. Learn more
Acute painis described as pain that has lasted less than six weeks in duration, and may resolve itself with little or no intervention.
However, pain that is sub-acute or chronic, lasting longer than six weeks in duration, is likely to require attention and care.
There are several forms of massage that are particularly effective for discovering where the pain originates, and recovering back to homeostasis .
Chronic pain is a different medical condition involving abnormal peripheral or central neural function.
Anyone considering massage for chronic pain should find out more about the different techniques available to them in order to make the most of their massage experience.
Massage has been shown to be valuable to pregnant women with anxiety, depression, leg, and back pain, and has shown significant benefit in perception of pain during labor.
Full Recovery
Depending on the severity of the injury, setting a foundation around exercise both physically and mentally is crucial to a full recovery and preventing re-injury.
Meticulously Designed Exercises
Exercise frequency is greater in the beginning to re-train skills or habits.
As the patient progresses and gains confidence in movement,
the importance of specific exercises is less.
” Helping individuals discover where or what is causing their pain experience and how to investigate structural limitations became quickly my focus, and in 2010 I further studied personal training to understand more about movement and biomechanics.”