WhatsApp / Call

+49 160 92038642



By appointment

10:00 - 19:00

Appointments can be made easily through the online booking system, or via whatsapp/ email.

Mobile appointments are possible within Berlin with an additional 30 euros for transport.

You are welcome to visit the multi disciplinary Praxis Anjali in Charlottenburg Berlin by appointment.

Simply contact via WhatsApp or call.

📞 +49 160 9203 8642

Praxis treatments
•60 min – 120 euro
•90 min – 150 euro
•60 min Pre/ Post Natal Massage Workshop – 90 euro per couple (max. 4 couples)


Booking Confirmation

Once you have made a booking you will receive a confirmation by email or text
with the option for a free short online or over the phone consultation to discuss your treatment.

Book an appointment with Personnel Calendar using SetMore

60 min Pre/ Post Natal Massage Workshop
A guided workshop for expecting couples, instructing the father how to massage the mother during pregnancy.
Limited space for 4 couples. Learn professional techniques to help stay relaxed.

60 minutes
is great for an introduction to treatment or as routine maintenance, aiming to discover and recover your abilities and condition. Ensuring confidence in the healing process. Some people are more ‘in-tune’ to their bodies than others, and can react quicker to making new conscious movement, while others may need more practice and reminders before they feel comfortable and confident enough to be unassisted.

90 minutes gives the body and mind more time to understand and ‘tune-in’ to what is required to start healing. The body does not react quickly when unsure or shielded. To effectively ‘reset’ the body/mind, the concept of time should not interfere. It takes patience to allow yourself to completely let go, sink your body into the massage table and feel the layers of tissue start to free themselves.
Chronic pain patients (and also those with little or no pain) can benefit greatly by learning only how to pay more attention to their breathing.

The maximum amount of time the body can process treatment on a massage table is 2 hours.

The conscious effort of healing is not easy to translate world-wide,
and that is why we are faced with a list of conditions that doesn’t seem to end. (¹)

In order to prepare the body for rehabilitation, you must first acknowledge what you are doing and that you are ready to make a change in your life. If your conscious effort towards your rehabilitation slips into unconscious thinking, by having an expected treatment date, there are more chances of making errors leading up to that appointment.

Therefore, I advise no direct follow-up appointment. Instead, establish in the first appointment a realistic view on what it means to consciously engage in healing and how you as the patient can support your own healing. Then, we can determine if and when a follow-up appointment is needed.


Book an appointment with Personnel Calendar using SetMore